You should have heard of the TCM Development Grant launched by MOH earlier this year. One aspect of the grant is meant to support individual TCM practitioners (TCMP) when they attend Continuing Professional Education (CPE) accredited courses, especially since CPE is slated to become compulsory soon.
TCMPs can claim 80% of their course fees, up to $200 per calendar year.
Claiming procedure:
1. Print and fill up the application from MOH website at
2. Print out your CPE history record from TCMPB website Professional Registration System.
3) Attach original receipts
4) Send the above items by email or mail to the address stated in the above websites.
**Please note that MOH will process the applications only at the end of the calendar year. Therefore, you are advised to send in your collated application only after you have reached your $200 claim limit, or near the end of the year.
For alumni with your own clinic/managing a clinic, there are other aspects of the grant which could be applicable for your clinic or clinic assistants/herbal dispensers too.
We urge all alumni to make good use of the grant. As the saying goes, ‘when government gives money, must use’.
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