About Us
NTU Chinese Medicine Alumni Association (CMAA) provides a platform for a new generation of informed Chinese Medicine professionals who will inherit the values and innovate the tradition for the advancement of Chinese Medicine in Singapore.
The CMAA Logo
The CMAA logo is made up of the acronyms of our Chinese Medicine Alumni Association. C, as represented by the sprout, signifies a group of young physicians in the Chinese Medicine arena. On another level, the “sprout” also represents a shelter for the 2 figures beneath it. M and AA are represented by 2 figures – the smaller being us, the young generation who needs the guidance and help of our seniors and teachers, as depicted by the larger figure. Red and yellow were chosen to highlight the vibrancy of us youths and it is also consistent with the traditional Chinese culture colours.
The NTU Chinese Medicine Alumni Association (NTU CMAA) was founded by graduates of the NTU double degree program in Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine in 2011, with the support of our alma mater.
To provide a platform for a new generation of informed Chinese Medicine professionals, who will inherit the values and innovate the tradition for the advancement of Chinese Medicine in Singapore.
To provide a common platform to:
1. Unite all graduates from the NTU double degree program in Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine.
2. Work together with other organisations to further the development of Chinese Medicine in Singapore.
Download the NTU CMAA Constitution (Updated Aug 2017):
NTU-CMAA-Constitution-Updated-v1.1-Aug-2017.pdf (625 downloads)